Wish to close bigger case and have better client relationship for follow up business ?
This is the program that provides you with all the answers and skill you need.
MAA project 1000 MDRT Workshop is an opportunity for you to sharpen your saw by learning new skills to meet higher expectation of todays customer.
The workshop focuses on the concept of insurance sales through Financial Planning. It provides you not only the learning of technical and practical aspect of Financial Planning but tools that help you to manage your sales activities and to close bigger case.
Workshop Coverage :
- What does Financial Planning (FP) mean to you ?
- Prospecting/ Marketing-Key to your FP activities
- Overcoming Objections
- The Financial Planning (FP) process
- Important Factor of success in FP
- Building a solid Financial Planning (FP) career
- Your commitment to do well in FP
Mr Han Seng Kheng
- He started his career as a banker upon graduating with a bachelors degree in Business Adminstration
- Then he moved on to join a multinational insurance company and began developing his agency business
- He qualify 5 times MDRT when he was in personal sales
- Attended MDRT Convention in US 3 times, therefore knows the excitement and spirit of MDRT
- He has trained and coached 36 MDRTs
- Currently he manage a team in Singapore with 6 MDRT, 1 Life MDRT member and 1 COT.
For more details please contact Tony 019-3234605 or email : ttong3@gmail.com
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